Video Podcast

EPS 3: 2Care 2Deliver with Chris Notter And James Wyatt
EPS 2: 2Care 2Deliver with Chris Notter And James Wyatt
EPS 1: 2Care 2Deliver with Chris Notter And James Wyatt
Ron Sanford – A True Professional – Nice Guy and Good Friend
New beginnings – new opportunities – ushering in a new era
Positivity, people, and passengers with Richard Prince
Aviation Recruitment: WRAP-UP SESSION
Aviation Recruitment Episode 6: Benefits
Aviation Recruitment Episode 5: – How important is a company Culture?
Aviation Recruitment Episode 4: Succession Planning – do you have it in place?
A Menzies update with Mervyn Walker
A fragmented payment roadmap, and how Fintech is helping airlines recover post-COVID.
Aviation Recruitment Episode 3: What is the difference between a job description & a performance profile?
Aviation Recruitment Episode 2: Be clear on minimum expectations of any role
Aviation Recruitment Episode 1: How well prepared are companies for hiring?